Waveform Access Phase Two

Waveform Access is a multi-phase program designed to help healthcare professionals gain better access to their patients’ data collected with SmartMonitor units. Circadiance has developed each phase with our customers in mind to ensure our products are able to not only keep up with the demands of modern care practices, but also take professionals a step further by improving care. Click here to see Phase One.

Phase Two is the rollout of a new product, Synergy Cloud, that will allows clinicians to easily identify and classify apneas, bradycardias, or desaturations—minimizing the effort required to accurately record potential life-threatening events for infants at home. The software provides graphical displays, the ability to define patient information, customizable event labels, and a notes section for improved communication. Patient demographics, monitoring parameters, and history are provided in customizable, one-page reports categorized as patient event equipment summaries or compliance reporting.

JUNE 2024 UPDATE: We are proud to announce the launch of the Synergy Cloud Communication Module. This device enables SmartMonitor 2 Infant Apnea Monitors already in the field to communicate wirelessly with Synergy Cloud software. The Communication Module is easy to use and works on any Wi-Fi network. This means parents can send their monitored baby's data to clinicians without the need for a Home Care Provider to drive out to their home—saving both families and providers time and money. Data is available to the clinical care team immediately and can be uploaded as often as the care team desires.

Better Access, Better Care

Accessing your patients’ data is the key to providing the care they deserve. Remove the wait-time, expense, and tedium from your infant monitoring processes.

Click Here to Learn More About Synergy Cloud